When people plan on something, either it is big or small, only with God's will, will the plan(s) come to pass and succeed. In other word, 'Man Proposes, God Disposes.'
Anyway, the title for this particular post is really significant to me. Remember that I was planning to embrace my 19th birthday with grace, right? So, a day before my birthday, I drove all the way from my university to come home to ask for my mother's assistance in helping me to make my personal birthday cake. It was just a simple 'Kek Batik' but the cake-making-process was intense since it was my first time learning the recipes. My hand was stained with spilled-hot chocolate and my nightshirt is smeared with biscuits' crumbs and Milo powder but with A LOT of help from my doted mother, the final result was surprisingly wonderful. WE did a tremendous job and finished it within a limit of 1 hour before putting the cake into the fridge to cool off.
I was planning to give the cake to my classmates to taste so I woke up at 5 o'clock in the morning just to cut the cake into small-but-irregular cubic pieces. To cut 'Kek Batik' take a lot patience, strength and precision. The cake was hard as ice, fresh and cold from the refrigerator and if you don't concentrate, the knife might slid off the hard-stone surface and cut your finger instead. I am no expert and that is why I talking gibberish about my first experience as a novice 'Kek Batik' maker. However, the cake was acceptably delicious and I should give myself a pat on the shoulder for my earnest efforts. Alhamdulillah, a satisfying first attempt.
It was Friday and it was already 6 hours away from my Birthday Eve. After managing to take a short shower, I prepared myself to drive back to the hostel around 6:20 A.M. Thankfully, I succeeded on avoiding the traffic and arrived at my university around seven but I was hit by a splash of cold water when I received a message that all classes were cancelled due to a seminar in session. "Astarghfirullah! I have a huge food container full of 'kek Batik' in my car boot and there were no one to serve it to." The university is too big to call them out from their dorms and with my luck, the morning turn from bad to worst when it started to rain cats and dogs. I panicked. How am I expect to gather all my classmates? I need to think of a plan and fast!